We Did It....

As you can see below we did it ...... Over One Half A Million Dollars this year. Even if you did not make the ride, if you were a part of our chapter, or a part of the Virginia Legion Riders, or even just participated in some of our fundraising events you are a part of that and you should be proud.

If you have not already checked out the official Legacy Run blog (http://legacyrun.blogspot.com/). You can see video of the ride, etc. Including some footage from the Advance Team and the back of my head as we went through the Salt River Canyon.

Well I am safely in Arkansas now. Mike N. peeled off just after noon yesterday in Eastlend to visit friends in Texas. Among my travels was an overnight in Greenville, TX then through Texarkana (Texas and Arkansas) and Hope, AR, birthplace of Clinton. Visiting my daughter today in Southwestern Arkansas and will travel to Northeast Arkansas tommorrow to see my little guy.

The weatherman is not being good to me. The trip home has been very dry thus far but looks like that will change for the weekend. Hope not but........

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